At Prinsengracht 263, you will find a quintessentially Dutch building with an extraordinary history. It was here that, for two years during World War II, young Anne Frank and her Jewish family hid from the Nazis. Now a deeply moving museum, the Anne Frank House is probably one of Amsterdams most important places to visit while youre there.
If you have read The Diary of Anne Frank, you may already know a lot about her story. However, this museum will give you the opportunity to see in person Otto Franks warehouse and offices, and, via the moveable bookcase, you can venture up into the famous secret annexe. The annexe remains in the same emptied state that Otto found it in upon his return after the war. If you look closely, you will see wall markings donating the childrens heights over the years.
With dreams of becoming a journalist, Anne Frank documented her experiences in hiding in great detail. In the diary room, you will be able to stand next to Annes original diary, along with hundreds of loose pages she also wrote on. This is an absolute must-see for anyone who has read the published version of her accounts.
You will discover a labyrinth of hallways and rooms in the hidden annexe of the building. In the small bedroom that Anne shared, still stuck to the walls you can see the photographs of movie stars, magazine clippings and picture postcards that she hung in an attempt to cheer the place up. Great effort has been made to preserve the wallpaper and pictures, allowing you to get a tiny flavour of Anne Franks personality.
The museum aims to capture for you the atmosphere of the time spent in hiding. You can spend some time with the personal belongings of Anne and her family, recovered from the small refuge. Old photographs, film images and historical documents on display give you the chance to feel an intimate connection to the people involved. Throughout the museum, you can read quotations from Anne Franks diary, as well as walk through a moving display where the fate of each member of the group unfolds. You can also take a virtual tour in the multimedia area to learn more about WWII, the persecution of the Jews and some background information on the group in hiding.
This small museum is a maze of steep stairs and narrow corridors, so not every part will be easily accessible for those with physical disabilities or in wheelchairs. Also, due to space being limited, the Anne Frank house is incredibly busy most of the year round. If you have your heart set on seeing the inside of this building, it may be worth booking tickets in advance to ensure you get in. Once inside, the free audio tour will perfectly supplement your visit.